Soldiers Records

From Compiled Military Service Records at National Archives

Results printed below are the short version of the results of your search. Columns in bold denote columns searched on (beyond the basic returns of Name, service information, and enlistment information.
Clicking on the last name of each person will allow you to see a full record for that individual.

Please cite results as coming from: County, , Soldiers Records
Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War, Virginia Center for Digital History, University of Virginia
( AND id_num:30997).

Personal Information Enlistment Records

Name: Edward Valentine Garber

Birth Place: Augusta Co.

Date of Birth: 8/31/1840

Physical Description:

Prewar Life:Mechanic; resident of Missouri; returned when Virginia seceded

Date of Enlistment: 7/9/1861

Place of Enlistment: Staunton

Age at Enlistment:

Occupation at Enlistment:Farmer

Conscript or Substitute:

Service Information Military Service Record

Rank: 1st Lt.

Company: A

Transfer Company:

Regiment: 52nd Va. Inf.

Promotions: Acting Adj. of Regt. since 12-26-1861; relieved as acting Adj. 01-20-1862; elected Capt. 05-01-1862

Transfers and Other Service:

Muster Sheet: Present 11-00-1861 to 02-00-1862; present Harrisonburg 06-06-1862; commanding Co. 03-00-1862, 04-00-1862


Missing In Action:





Paroled: //

Notes: While leading his company in a charge against the enemy. . . In all relations of life he uniformly bore himself with rare and undeviating faultlessness. He aproved himself to his comrads brave, generous, self-sacrificing. He encountered all the vicissitudes of the trying service in which he was engaged with unwavering fortitude. He discharged all the duties of this office with signal ability and fidelity-- he met all the difficulties with unshaken equanimity.

Wounded/Killed Information Other Information

Died of Disease:

Killed in Action:

Wounded in Action: - //


Died of Wounds:

Personal Life: Brother of Ovid L. Abney

Family Number from 1860 census: (Click on number to see the 1860 census record)

Dwelling Number from 1860 census: (Click on number to see the 1860 census record)

Postwar Life: obituary states he was a sharpshooter

Death Place: 2nd Manassas age 25

Date of Death: 8/29/1862

Cause of Death:

Burial Place: Thornrose Cemetery
